Guru Gobind Singh Medical College with 1000 beds Hospital is a Punjab Government institutionestablished in 1973. The Govt. of Punjab, vide its Notification No.8/02/2005-1HB-III/6308 dated31.10.2006 transferred this college to Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot as itsconstituent Medical College. The College is recognized by Medical Council of India vide its Letter No.MCI 34941(UG)2010-PUN/35407 dated 22.10.2010 for 50 MBBS admissions per year. The College is permitted increase in MBBS seats from 50 to 100 from the academic year 2013- 14 vide MCI letter No.MCI-37(1)(i-7)/2013-Med/20109 dated 10.07.2013 and permitted to continue with 100 seats in the academic year 2014-15 vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Medical Education Policy-II) File No.U-12012/677/2014-ME (P-II) dated 14TH July, 2014.Further the institute was permitted to continue with 100 seats in the academic year 2015-16 vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Medical Education Policy-II) File No.U-12012/79/2015-ME (P-II) dated 16TH April, 2015 and for academic year 2016-17 vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Medical Education Policy-II) File No.U 12012/670/2015-ME-I dated 25TH May, 2016. The institute also imparts teaching and training to Postgraduates leading to MD, MS in the subjects of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Anesthesiology, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Respiratory Medicine, Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy, Radiotherapy, Immuno Haematology and Blood Transfusion. Teaching includes theory and practical training.
The College started critical care facility for the patients of the area and created a Surgical and Neuro-surgical critical care unit comprising of 18 Beds in 2009. Today we have 60 bedded critical care unit in the hospital with 18 in Surgery/Neuro- surgery (SICU), 19 in Medicine/Chest & TB (MICU), 6 in Paediatrics (PICU) and 12 in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). These areas are equipped with state of the art beds, monitors & ventilators and other supportive equipments to impart critical care to patients. The College has started super specialization facilities in the departments of Neurosurgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Urology, Plastic Surgery and Nuclear Medicine. Construction of three storied building for super-specialty wing is near completion. The College has also established Cardiac Cath Lab. in the Hospital. The Govt. of India has allocated Rs.15.00 Crores for establishment of a separate Unit under Mother & Child Health Care Scheme of NRHM. Construction of a three storied building is in progress. This College has well equipped Departments of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine with the latest equipments likely Cobalt -60 Teletherapy, HDR Brachytherapy, Conventional Simulator, Two Linear Accelerators with IGRT & IMRT, SPECT-CT and PET-CT to provide comprehensive care to the cancer patients under one roof. This is the only facility of its kind in a Government institution in North India. The department of Radiodiagnosis is well equipped with 1.5 Tesla M.R.I., 16 slice CT Scan, Mammography, Colour Doppler and latest Digital X–ray machines. The Hospital is fully equipped with modern Blood Bank facilities. All the diagnostic labs like Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology have all the latest facilities and equipment manned by the specialists to provide round the clock service to the patients. Apart from teaching and hospital work, the faculty of the College is actively involved in research work. The College has started Ph.D. programs in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy and Radiodiagnosis. In the recent years, a number of seminars, conferences and workshops have been held in the College by different departments and the faculty members have published about 360 research papers in different National/International Journals. More than 50 research projects are at different stages of completion by different faculty members.